Get to know your New Community Connector
This section will cover the headline news of what's been happening at CANES over the past few months. This section will cover any topics, featuring detailed information that we think you should read first.
This section will help you to keep informed of any health related news that may effect the health and well-being of our readers. This section will offer tips and advice on safety in and around your home, or health and nutritional information that may be useful for seniors.
This section is an editorial often written by the editor. Written in the style of a "food for thought" format, that allows readers to have an open mind on topics that can often be conversation starters. The topics may be humorous, thoughtful, or close to home.
This section covers information that relates to any of our programs or services that we offer. We are currently running 14 programs and services, such as Homemaking, Home Maintenance, Transportation, and Personal Care. Here, you can find out about our current services or exciting new programs that CANES may be offering.
As written by our CEO and Board Chair, this section covers topics such as what the political background may be offering our community in the future. Topics around agency statistics and funding opportunities, and successes are also often discussed. Any agency operational news will also be covered by our Board Chair as well.
This section informs you on what's happening close to home. This may cover information about an upcoming community luncheon event or fundraiser in which CANES is or has been a part of. Often there may be an invitation or participation opportunity available to our readers in this section.
This section informs readers of any last minute topics we may have missed. Such as phone numbers, addresses, and important dates or details. This way, all the important details are in one place, so you don't have to search the entire newsletter for that phone number.
Happy Reading!
Anyone who would like to receive a physical Newsletter in the mail, they can call CANES at 416-743-3326 ext 251.
Privacy Statement:
CANES Community Care values your privacy, and the protection of your personal information is very important to us. We do not sell nor trade our mailing lists. For further information, or to have your name removed from our list, please contact the CANES Privacy Officer at 416.743.3326 X 277 or by email at canes.on.ca.
Anyone who'd like to receive a Newsletter in the mail, can call in to give their mailing address for delivery.
Or, If you would like to receive our Newsletter electronically, you can email Joel Duncan at the email address listed below
Also, if you would like to submit an article to be placed in the Community Thought Spot to be read by our by our Clients and Community Partners, please submit a word document to the same email address below. (all submissions are subject to change/edits from original version)