When Lisa Doucette, CANES Social Worker, and Supervisor of our Caregiver Support and Counselling Program received a call from the Peel Regional Police Elder Abuse Coordinator concerning a senior who had been a victim of physical, emotional, verbal, financial abuse and neglect, the CANES team knew they had to step in to help. Working alongside the client, Lisa created a safety plan and assisted with the client to secure a bed at a homeless shelter. After spending several months in and out of the shelter system our CANES’ client had been chosen for the Region of Peel’s rental subsidy for folks who are experiencing chronic homelessness. CANES and SHIP worked collaboratively to complete the application process, shortly after the client was approved the search for the client’s new home began.
This was the fresh start everyone had hoped for, except the client had been left with virtually nothing, as their abuser had discarded all their belongings. When the CANES team brought this to the attention of our community partners, Sylvia Knight with PEAPN (Peel Elder Abuse Prevention Network) and Nicole Troiano of Caring Touch Home Health Care they did not hesitate to step in to help. Their generosity and empathy are to be admired as they put together a team to deliver and assemble new furniture to give our client the new life they truly deserve. This success story would not be possible without all community partners working together and especially without the generous donations from Nicole and her amazing team.